Published: Sept. 19, 2024

学院事务办公室于9月11日主办了博彩平台推荐的年度秋季毕业典礼和颁奖典礼. 13、庆祝115位教职员工的杰出成就. Held at the Center for British & Irish Studies, 今年的活动表彰了教师的卓越教学, scholarship, leadership and service, 特别表彰那些最近获得终身教职或晋升的人,以及受人尊敬的教务长成就奖的获得者.

仪式由教务长拉塞尔·摩尔和副教务长米歇尔·摩西主持, 摩尔在开幕词中强调,教师的成功是学院整体成功的基础.

教务长成就奖获得者是终身教职前的教员 教务长成就奖获得者是终身教职后的教师 Faculty who received tenure 教员晋升为正教授 晋升为教学教授

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Pre-tenure faculty

  • 卡森·布伦斯(机械工程)因其对智能纹身的研究而获得该奖项.
  • 萨拉·斯特利(教育)因其题为《博彩平台推荐》的文章而获得该奖项."
  • 伊丽莎白·斯旺森(音乐)因其在卡内基音乐厅指挥荣誉合唱团的工作而获得此奖项, New York City.
  • Cristina Torres-Machi(土木、环境 & 她的文章《博彩平台推荐》获得了该奖项."
  • 布莱恩·沃特斯(商业)因其题为《博彩app推荐》的论文获得了这一奖项."

Post-tenure faculty

  • 阿萨夫·伯恩斯坦(商业)因其在气候融资方面的研究而获得该奖项.
  • Andrea Dyrness(教育界)因其著作《 边界思考:拉丁裔青年非殖民化公民身份.
  • 阿莱娜·格拉博夫斯基(综合生理学)因其对跑步假肢的使用及其对国际田径运动的影响的研究而获得该奖项.
  • brii - mathias Hodge(电气,计算机) & 因其在可再生能源预测以及预测在电力系统规划和运行中的应用方面的贡献而获此殊荣.
  • Nicolò Spera(音乐)因其结合吉他和合唱团的音乐项目而获得该奖项.

Faculty receiving tenure

  • Aun H. Ali, Religious Studies
  • Rachael R. Baiduc, Speech, Language & Hearing Sciences
  • Kyri A. Baker, Civil, Environmental & Architectural Engineering
  • Stephanie M. Bonjack, University Libraries
  • 卡桑德拉·布鲁克斯,环境研究
  • Eleanor C. Browne, Chemistry
  • Laura Dee, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
  • Rafael M. Frongillo, Computer Science
  • Andrew Garland, Music
  • Kathryn E. Goldfarb, Anthropology
  • Joshua A. Grochow, Computer Science
  • Oded Gurantz, Education
  • Bradley Hayes, Computer Science
  • 艾莉森·海曼,航空航天工程科学
  • Paul O. Hayne, Astrophysical & Planetary Sciences
  • Yu-Jui Huang, Applied Mathematics
  • Kathia salomoise Ibacache,大学图书馆
  • 塞巴斯蒂安·科普夫,地质科学
  • Sarah Kurnick, Anthropology
  • Michael D. Litos, Physics
  • Andrew Lucas, Physics
  • Sanghamitra Neogi,航空航天工程科学
  • Marco M. Nicotra, Electrical, Computer & Energy Engineering
  • Sergey Nigai, Economics
  • Alexis Palmer, Linguistics
  • Srinivas C. Parinandi, Political Science
  • Sandra Ristovska, Media Studies
  • Michael Saddoris, Psychology & Neuroscience
  • Jota Samper,环境设计
  • Sebastian K. Schmidt, Atmospheric & Oceanic Sciences
  • Josh Shepperd, Media Studies
  • Adrian J. Shin, Political Science
  • Alexandra A. Siegel, Political Science
  • Kristie Soares, Women & Gender Studies
  • Annika Socolofsky, Music
  • Brian Talbot, Philosophy
  • Ross Taylor, Journalism
  • Lizzy Trower, Geological Sciences
  • Yaffa E. Truelove, Geography
  • Rui Zhang, Business
  • Yida Zhang, Civil, Environmental & Architectural Engineering

Faculty hired with tenure

  • Matthew Peattie, Humanities
  • 贾斯汀·施瓦茨,机械工程
  • Jason Thatcher, Business


  • David A. Brain, Astrophysical & Planetary Sciences
  • Esther Brown, Spanish & Portuguese
  • Julia M. Comerford, Astrophysical & Planetary Sciences
  • Josh Correll, Psychology & Neuroscience
  • Céline Dauverd, History
  • Liam C. Downey, Sociology
  • Nabil Echchaibi, Media Studies
  • Philip M. Fernbach, Business
  • 珍妮·格克,大学图书馆
  • June L. Gruber, Psychology & Neuroscience
  • Gerardo Gutiérrez, Anthropology
  • 本杰明·黑尔,环境研究
  • Peter Hamlington,机械工程
  • Jill Harrison, Geography
  • Chris Heathwood, Philosophy
  • Jillian Heydt-Stevenson, English
  • brii - mathias Hodge,电气,计算机 & Energy Engineering
  • Marcus J. Holzinger,航空航天工程科学
  • Pui Fong Kan, Speech, Language & Hearing Sciences
  • William Paul Kleiber,应用数学
  • Jennifer Knight, Molecular, Cellular & Developmental Biology
  • Tara L. Knight, Critical Media Practices
  • Nicole Lovenduski, Atmospheric & Oceanic Sciences
  • Andrew McAdam, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
  • Courtney McDonald,大学图书馆
  • Valerie J. McKenzie, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
  • 丹尼尔·梅德罗斯,生态学 & Evolutionary Biology
  • Brett Melbourne, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
  • Hope Michelsen,机械工程
  • Celeste Montoya, Women & Gender Studies
  • Alexandra Nguyen, Music
  • 《通讯》,菲德拉·卡门·佩祖罗
  • Andrés Ignacio Prieto, Spanish & Portuguese
  • Juan G. Restrepo, Applied Mathematics
  • Soo H. Rhee, Psychology & Neuroscience
  • Gregory Brian Rieker,机械工程
  • Javier Rivas, Spanish & Portuguese
  • Megan Shannon, Political Science
  • Hanna Rose Shell, Art & Art History / Cinema Studies & Moving Image Arts
  • Núria Silleras-Fernández, Spanish & Portuguese
  • Christophe Spaenjers, Business
  • Wilfred V. Srubar III, Civil, Environmental & Architectural Engineering
  • Katherine E. Stange, Mathematics
  • Zoltan Sternovsky,航空航天工程科学
  • Ted Striphas, Media Studies
  •  Timothy Whitehead, Chemical & Biological Engineering


  • 马克·加斯塔,环境硕士
  • Christian Hammons, Anthropology
  • Ruth Hickerson, Communication
  • Ursula Berit Jany, Germanic & Slavic Languages & Literatures
  • 辛西娅·凯勒,大学图书馆
  • Abbey Lewis, University Libraries
  • 内森·麦克尼尔,机械工程
  • Eyal Rivlin, Jewish Studies
  • 威廉·舒特金,环境硕士
  • Jamie Skerski, Communication
  • Jonathan Spencer, Theatre & Dance
  • Julie Steinbrenner,机械工程
  • 安吉拉·蒂曼·迪诺,赫布斯特工程伦理项目 & Society
  • Divya Vernerey, Computer Science
  • 詹姆斯·沃克,本科生充实计划