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Students at the sustainability summit

在庆祝当前可持续发展的努力和承诺,以改善气候行动倡议, the Environmental Center, in collaboration with several campus partners, 于4月24日至25日在博彩平台推荐举办了第31届年度校园可持续发展峰会. 

峰会将继续作为一个关键的聚会,把人们聚集在一起探讨解决方案, 建立伙伴关系,庆祝博彩平台推荐气候和可持续发展倡议取得的成就.  

From featured presenter Dr. Anu Taranath to campus initiatives exhibits, 今年的峰会标志着持续追求环境管理的又一个里程碑,并为教师提供了一个充满活力的平台, 教职员工和学生交流思想,坚持变革行动.

Campus Leadership Forum

During a campus leadership forum at the summit, members of the Campus Sustainability Executive Council announced the official release of the Climate Action Plan (CAP). CAP概述的目标是到2030年将排放量从2019年的基线减少50%,并在不迟于2050年实现零排放目标的明确路径.

首席运营官兼校园可持续发展执行委员会主席Patrick O 'Rourke表示,CAP已经准备好从设计到行动. 
“Now is the point where we hit a transition, 现在博彩平台推荐有了一系列的承诺和原则,博彩平台推荐需要遵守并尊重这些对社区的承诺. So I’m excited about that,” he said. 

论坛的所有小组成员都强调,校园和社区利益相关者的投入对该计划的成功至关重要. 在为期两天的峰会期间,每位与会者的积极参与进一步表明,找到关键的投入不会是一项挑战.

“The campus has a history with sustainability; not just in terms of what we do on campus, but we’ve got talented faculty, we’ve got students who are energized and engaged, 博彩平台推荐正在努力将可持续发展融入课程的各个部分,这样当有人拿着学位离开科罗拉多大学时, 他们也会知道博彩平台推荐在思考这个星球时所扮演的角色和责任,” O’Rourke said.

Student Ideas Showcase 

Students, in particular, 在学生创意展示会上,他们展示了20多个开创性的想法,展示了他们对这个主题的热情. 从可生物降解的Nerf飞镖爆能枪到太阳能驱动的Folsom Field, 从人工智能集成垃圾分类箱到生物纤维纺纱机, 这些雄心勃勃的创意表明,学生们的思想已经走上了正轨.

“我认为,好的想法与博彩平台推荐目前的现状之间的距离并不远, 实际上,将这些想法转化为博彩平台推荐可以做的实际事情并不像一个奇怪的想法. 所以我对此相当乐观,”约书亚·拉多夫说 Renewable and Sustainable Energy (RSE) Specialization Lead在反思校园可持续发展规划的演变时表示. 

Students who competed in the showcase were awarded $10,由科罗拉多大学气候行动基金和科罗拉多大学校长可持续解决方案挑战赛资助的现金奖励. Read about all of the student projects.

Summit Activities 

The summit featured three informational sessions, 每个项目都解决了博彩平台推荐可持续发展的关键问题:

  • “脱碳食品途径”为正在进行的校园倡议提供了见解,旨在最大限度地减少食品部门的排放. 
  • "Buffs vs. 《博彩平台推荐》杂志深入研究了打击一次性塑料的策略, aligning with this year’s Earth Day theme, "Planet vs. Plastics." 
  • “在课堂内外创新可持续教育”探讨了气候行动教育的新方法, 包括围绕教务长拉塞尔·摩尔的可持续未来共同课程的进一步讨论,该课程使环境管理成为博彩平台推荐教育计划战略调整的重点.

Additionally, attendees could partake in the Zero Waste 外展团队的Drop ' N ' Swap活动,在那里他们可以免费捡到以前爱过的衣服.

“Drop-n-Swap是校园里一项非常重要的活动,因为它让学生有机会接触到免费的、可获得的资源,而不是每个人都有幸拥有这些资源,” senior Elizabeth Rosenberger said.

Micah Borkan, co-chair of the CU Student Government Environmental Board, 他建议任何想要参与校园内外可持续发展工作的学生都可以从环境中心开始.

“For me, the Environmental Center was really the first place I found community at CU as a transfer student who got here at the beginning of my junior year last fall; and I think that it really is that gateway for students to be involved in sustainability in a place and in a space that they can feel the effects of the change that they are making,” Borkan said. 

在充足的机会中,参与全年校园环境行动, 校园可持续发展峰会继续促进合作,激发教师对可持续发展的共同承诺, staff and students alike.

Student Ideas Showcase Award Winners

Grand Prize: 可持续智能纺织品的生物纤维纺纱机- Eldy S. Lazaro Vasquez and Xin Wen 
Overall Runner-up: Footprints – by Andre Daley, Usman Khan and Simon Schaab
Innovation: De-CAN-taminator——作者:Julia Abboud, Hussain Almatruk, Tristan Johnston, Alex Lu和Kaitlyn Vu
Creativity: 《博彩平台推荐》——作者:加文·福廷、阿亚·侯赛因、亚当·卡杜拉、索菲亚·诺维洛和安妮卡·奥特 
Climate Impact: Collegiate Wind Competition – by Preston Brumley, Elyse DeBarros, Megan Finnigan, Julia Gentile, Jacqueline Hall, Dongggyu Jang, Carver Lindley, Mia Lonergan, Aria Mundy, Loren Peterson, Stewart Rojec and Daniel Sherry  
Human Impact: 墨西哥的微电网——Dillion Hardwick与Rancho Feliz慈善基金会合作 
Campus Impact: Paths to Circulatrity – by Krystal Geevarughese
Audience Choice: Smart Mirror – by Ryan Chen, Zubin Cheruvallath, Brendan Maline, Will Minton, Xander Santangelo and Ahmed Zainaddin