By 发表: 9月. 20, 2024

Study by economists is thought to be the first to quantitively estimate the effects of racial terror against Mexicans in 美国.S. 在你.S.墨西哥裔美国人

在美国,非裔美国人受到种族歧视的私刑.S. 南方都有很好的记录, but much less well known are the racially motivated lynchings of Mexicans and Mexican Americans from 1880 to 1930 in 德州—the state with the highest rate of lynchings of Mexicans on record.

据研究人员估计,这一时期对墨西哥人处以私刑的人数为27人.每10万人中有4人. New research suggests that the violence may have also caused long-run economic and educational harm to children in communities where lynchings occurred.

在他们最近发表的论文中,Examining the Long-Run Impacts of Racial Terror with Data on Historical Lynchings of Mexicans in 德州,“教授 堡米. Antman 博彩平台推荐 经济系 and fellow economist Brian Duncan with 美国niversity of Colorado Denver explore the historical lynchings of Mexicans in 德州 and their long-term economic impact 在你.S.墨西哥裔美国人.


堡Antman, 博彩平台推荐的经济学教授, and economist Brian Duncan studied the historical lynchings of Mexicans in 德州 and their long-term economic impact 在你.S.墨西哥裔美国人.

通过合并U.S. 德州私刑的人口普查记录和历史数据, the economists determined that Hispanics raised in a 德州 county where one or more lynchings occurred when they were a child experienced negative impacts later in life related to their earnings, 1940年的教育水平和住房拥有率. 然而, Antman and Duncan acknowledge that the estimated impacts were small and that more research is needed in this area.

Antman说 she believes one reason the lynchings of Mexicans and Mexican Americans are not widely known is that these attacks often occurred during times of more generalized violence in 德州, often associated with the 德州 War for Independence from Mexico (德州 Revolution, 1835-36), 美墨战争(1846-48)和墨西哥革命(1910-20), a civil war between rival political factions in Mexico that resulted in violence spilling over onto both sides of the border.

Incursions by Mexican revolutionaries into 德州 during the Mexican civil war fanned the flames against ethnic Mexicans in 德州, 他们经常被怀疑同情墨西哥革命者, Antman说. The spike in lynchings of Hispanics between 1915 to 1919 corresponds to the period, 大多数私刑都发生在德克萨斯州的格兰德河下游, 与墨西哥接壤, 她指出.


Earlier historians of the time tended to refer to violence on the border as a “Bandit War” involving Mexican Revolutionaries, 德州游骑兵, 美国.S. 军队和义务警员. 安特曼说,现代历史学家倾向于通过不同的视角来看待这一时期, one that recognizes that innocent Mexicans and Mexican Americans were victims of violence during this period simply because of their race and ethnicity.

“Lynchings (of Hispanics) were often discounted with the justification of the protection of the 德州 territory against this group of people,蚂蚁说. 在某些情况下, 被处以私刑的人被指控犯有谋杀或偷马等罪行, 但总的来说,他们没有被正式指控犯有任何罪行, 她说.

更重要的是, 执法部门——最著名的是德州骑警——实施了一些私刑, 这在当时倾向于使法外杀戮合法化, 她补充说.

The fact that newspapers in 德州 at the time published accounts of lynchings suggests that the acts were largely known by the populace, Antman说. 亨茨维尔萨姆休斯顿州立大学的研究人员说, 德州, has collected all of the published articles they could find about lynchings on the website 德克萨斯州的私刑这是安特曼和邓肯为他们的研究咨询的网站.


博彩平台推荐所知, this is the first study to quantitively estimate the impacts of racial terror against Mexicans in 美国.S. 在你.S.在美国出生的墨西哥裔美国人,”安特曼和邓肯在他们的论文中写道.


Mexican workers line up for jobs in pecan orchards in San Antonio, 德州, in 1939. (照片: 拉塞尔•李/ Corbis)

来衡量这种影响, the authors took the information about the lynchings of Mexican Americans in 德州 counties from the 德克萨斯州的私刑 website and compared it with individual-level U.S. 1880年到1940年的人口普查数据.

鉴于人口普查数据不包括一个人的出生县, 研究人员将他们的样本限制在美国.S.墨西哥裔美国人 aged 18 to 59 in 1940 who can be linked to a 1930 or earlier census. They further limited their sample to individuals in the 1940 census who were observed in an earlier census at age 17 or younger residing in a 德州 county, 为了简单起见,作者将哪个国家称为个人的“原籍国”.”

The census data were then matched to the 德克萨斯州的私刑 data based on county of origin, to identify the number of lynchings in an individual’s county of origin when they were growing up, 特别是0-5岁的孩子, 6-10和11-17.

合并人口普查和私刑数据, ­­Antman说 she and Duncan wanted to gauge whether the lynchings had any apparent effect on Mexican Americans’ years of schooling, 收入和房屋所有权, 根据1940年的人口普查. 值得注意的是, 1940 was the first year in which measures of educational attainment and earnings were collected.

Antman说 this research shows that exposure to lynchings in childhood did have negative impacts on long-run outcomes for Mexican Americans, 虽然震级很小,而且并不总是具有统计学意义. 然而, restricting the sample to the Lower Rio Grande Valley origin counties generally raises the magnitudes and statistical significance of the estimates, 她说.

考虑到这一时期衡量私刑的难度, 安特曼说,研究结果应该谨慎解读, as a first step in understanding the long-term harm of racial terror in 美国nited States, 但她说,她希望这篇论文能刺激更多的研究.

“希望这篇论文只是未来工作的起点, 希望它能鼓励研究人员探索美国科学的其他领域.S. 博彩平台推荐知道这种种族暴力就发生在那里, 以及对其他人群的影响.”

上图:2009年2月,在德克萨斯州爱丁堡农场工作的墨西哥年轻妇女. 1939. (照片: 拉塞尔•李/ Corbis)

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